Complete the email with the words in the box ​

DOLBONAFT DOLBONAFT    1   20.12.2019 10:44    1

muratov20011 muratov20011  22.01.2024 19:12
Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss the upcoming school trip. As you may already know, our class has been given the exciting opportunity to visit a local museum next month. In order to participate, we need to complete a permission slip.

Firstly, let's look at the words given in the box:
- Surely
- Perhaps
- However
- Therefore
- Consequently

We need to carefully select the most appropriate word based on the context.

Now let's analyze the text:

"Dear Parents,

We are delighted to inform you about our school trip to the local museum. [Surely], this will be an educational and enjoyable experience for our students. [However], in order for them to attend, we kindly request your permission to be granted by completing the attached permission slip.

The trip is scheduled for [DATE] at [TIME]. [Perhaps], you have been wondering about the cost of the trip. [Therefore], we would like to clarify that the cost will be covered by the school. [Consequently], your child will not need to bring any money.

As for transportation, the school has arranged for a bus to pick up and drop off the students. [Surely], this will ensure their safety and convenience. [However], if you prefer to personally drop off and pick up your child, kindly inform us beforehand.

We believe that this museum trip will greatly benefit the students' learning experience. [Therefore], we urge you to grant permission for your child to be a part of this excursion. [Consequently], it will provide them with a deeper understanding of the subjects we have been studying in class.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Position/Title]"


1. Surely: This word is used to express certainty or confidence. In the email, it is used to emphasize the excitement and anticipation of the school trip.

2. Perhaps: This word is used to show uncertainty or possibility. In the email, it is used to introduce the topic of the cost of the trip, acknowledging that parents may have wondered about it.

3. However: This word is used to introduce a contrasting point or information. In the email, it is used to indicate that even though the trip is covered by the school, parents may still have the option to personally drop off and pick up their child.

4. Therefore: This word is used to indicate a logical result or conclusion. In the email, it is used to explain that since the cost of the trip is covered by the school, students do not need to bring any money.

5. Consequently: This word is used to show cause and effect or a logical consequence. In the email, it is used to emphasize the benefits of the museum trip and the deeper understanding it will provide.

By carefully choosing the appropriate word from the given options, we can effectively convey the intended message in the email, ensuring clarity and understanding for the recipient.

I hope this explanation helps. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

[Your Name]
[School Teacher]
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