Complete the dialogue with a reply question or a question tag. Joseph You’ve remembered that we’re going camping next week, 1?
Henry Of course! We’re going to that campsite on the Welsh coast, 2?
Joseph Yes, it’s stunning there, 3? Apparently you can sometimes see seals and dolphins from that beach.
4? That’s amazing! Are there any sports activities that we can do there?
Joseph Well, there’s another beach about ten minutes away and I think there’s kayaking there.
Henry 5? I’d love to try that. We never try water sports on holiday, 6?
Joseph I know, we really should try something different, 7?
Henry I think I’d like to try horse riding too.
Joseph 8? Cassie went horse riding on her last holiday and fell off, 9?
Henry No! She just said that to make you laugh!
Joseph 10? I thought she really had!

sitkovskiygleb sitkovskiygleb    2   19.04.2023 05:50    15

Savich111 Savich111  19.04.2023 06:00

1)Have you packed all your gear?

2)That's right, are you excited?

3)Really? Have you been there before?

4)Have you ever seen seals or dolphins in the wild?

5)That sounds fun, have you ever been kayaking before?

6)Why not, right?

7)What other water sports do you think we could try?

8)Have you ever been horse riding before?

9)Is she okay?

10)Did she? That's a relief!

Kisonka14 Kisonka14  19.04.2023 06:00

Have you packed everything we need?

Oh, right! Which campsite is that?

Have you been there before?

Really? Have you seen any before?

Where can we rent the kayaks?

Why don't we try it this time?

What about surfing?

Are you sure about that?

(No response needed)

Did she actually fall off?


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