Complete the dialogue.
A. Bob Crawford?
A. Hello. I’m Helen Kirby from General Technologies. How do you
A. It’s a pleasure. Did you have a good trip?
A.: Oh, let me introduce you to Charlie Vitto. He’s our financial

Complete the conversation between Louis and Annette. Write questions from the won in brackets.
Annette. Hello (1) Are you Mr Navarro?
(Mr / you / are / Navarro)
Louis. That’s right. Louis Navarro.
A. Nice to meet you. I’m Annette Marinetti, from Australia.
L. Good to meet you, too. (2) ?
(from / are / Sydney / you)
A. Yes, I am. (3) ?
(from / what / of / you / are / part / Spain)
L. I’m from Bilbao, in the North. (4) ?
(do / do / you / what)
A. I’m a wine importer. Here’s my card.
L. So, tell me, (5) ?
(do / import / you / wine / Spanish)
A. No. Not at the moment.
L. That’s terrible!
A. Well, tell me about your wines. (6)
(do / come / from / where / they)
L. From the Bilbao region. This one’s a G ran Reserva. (7)
(you / do / to / want / it / taste)
A. Yes, thank you. (8) ?
(year / is / it / what)
L. 1990. Here you are. (9) ?
(you / do / it / like )
A. Yes, I do! It’s fantastic!

Seselia Seselia    1   30.03.2020 18:30    12

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