Complete the conversations with the phrases in the's a question of mind over matter
what's the matter?
it doesn't matter
to make matters worse
would you mind
that's a matter of opinion
i don't mind
never mind
you don't mind
i've got a lot on my opinion
1. A. You look upset!...?
B.Oh, what with problems at work, and Kate not doing well at school , I guess
2.A. I know you're busy, buthelping me with these bags? It'll only take a minute.
B. Sure, no problem.
3.S. Do you want me to take you to the station ,Val?
V. Oh, that's kind of you , Sven . Are you sure?
S. You know me, Val helping a lady !
4.H. So, I have to go throught my presentation again,and improve it , I've lost some of my notes, and will have to start again.
K . At least you won't look an idiot in front of the client.
H . I'm not sure I'll be able to make a better job of it. I thought my ideas were Ok.
5. C. Georges! So sorry we're late!The traffic was awful!
G. because Ken and Gitty have only just arrived.
6 I. I can't do it , doctor ! I hate needles!
D. There's nothing to worry about , Ivan.

Dalishka808 Dalishka808    2   25.03.2020 17:04    10

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