Complete the article with the following words: hire, familiar, take action, involved, prepare, employed?

City managers are professional administrators
who try to make city governments operate with the
efficiency of successful businesses. How- ever, they are
not authorized to 1)on their own. Their
work is directed by elected officials, such as mayors
and city councils, who 2)them
City managers 3)budgets, hire
administrative officers, oversee record keeping, and
supervise the heads of such departments as law
enforcement, fire protection, and sanitation. Because
many cities employ great numbers of unionized
teachers, police officers, firefighters, and refuse
workers, city managers are usually 4)in
labor relations and contract negotiations. They often meet with business and community groups to
explain city policies and hear citizens' demands.
City managers must be 5)with all aspects of government and public works.
However, they cannot take sides publicly in political disputes.
Most city managers are 6)by governments of small and medium-size
cites - generally those with populations of ten thousand to five hundred thousand people. Smaller cities may only have a city manager and one administrative assistant. In larger cities a manager may have an assistant manager for each department, such as transportation or education.

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