COMPIETE THE PREDICTIONS WITH THE GIYEN WORDS. Nuclear, solar, flying, humans, invemt, warming, artificial, planet. 1 There will be mass prodution of cars. 2 Global will make the conditions on Earth similator to those on Venus. 3 The intelligence will replace humans. 4 Robots will replace . 5 weapons will destroy humanity. 6 We'll need to find another to live on. 7 Portable chargers will help you re-charge any gadgets on the run. 8 Scientists will animal-to-human translators.​

asanovaabibe20 asanovaabibe20    1   24.01.2021 05:45    78

валя360 валя360  27.12.2023 15:32
1. There will be mass production of cars.
Explanation: With the given word "nuclear" and the prediction about mass production of cars, we can assume that nuclear-powered cars will become a reality in the future. These cars could potentially solve issues related to traditional fuel sources and help in reducing pollution.

2. Global warming will make the conditions on Earth similar to those on Venus.
Explanation: The given word "warming" in combination with the prediction suggests that the increase in global temperature due to global warming may lead to extreme heat and adverse climate conditions similar to those found on the planet Venus. This prediction emphasizes the importance of taking action to combat global warming and protect the Earth's climate.

3. Artificial intelligence will replace humans.
Explanation: The given word "artificial" in combination with the prediction indicates the potential for advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) that may lead to machines and computer systems taking over certain roles and responsibilities currently carried out by humans. This prediction raises questions about the impact of AI on employment and the need for adapting skills in the future.

4. Robots will replace flying.
Explanation: The prediction seems incomplete, as there is no given word that corresponds directly to "flying." However, assuming that there might be a missing word like "pilots" or "piloting," the prediction implies that robots and automated systems could potentially take over tasks related to flying airplanes, drones, or other aerial vehicles. This suggests advancements in technology and automation in the aviation industry.

5. Weapons will destroy humanity.
Explanation: The given word "weapons" paired with the prediction indicates that if the development and usage of advanced and destructive weapons continue, there is a possibility that they may pose a significant threat to humanity. This prediction highlights the importance of international cooperation, disarmament, and peaceful resolutions to prevent such catastrophic outcomes.

6. We'll need to find another planet to live on.
Explanation: The prediction implies that due to various factors such as overpopulation, resource depletion, or environmental degradation, humans will need to explore and colonize other planets as a means of ensuring long-term survival. This prediction signifies the need for space exploration and the search for habitable exoplanets.

7. Portable chargers will help you recharge any gadgets on the run.
Explanation: The given word "portable" in combination with the prediction suggests that advancements in technology will lead to the availability of portable chargers that can be carried easily and used to recharge electronic gadgets while being mobile. This prediction reflects the growing dependency on portable devices and the need for convenient charging solutions.

8. Scientists will invent animal-to-human translators.
Explanation: The prediction suggests that in the future, scientists will develop devices or technologies that can facilitate communication between humans and animals. The given word "invent" implies that these translators will be created through scientific innovation. This prediction carries interesting implications for animal-human interactions, animal rights, and understanding the thoughts and feelings of other species.
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