Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. Circle the correct answer. 1 A: Could you bring me the menu? B: a Sorry, you can't. b Oh, never mind. ©Yes, of course. 2 A: Can you lend me some money, please? B: a Yes, you can. b Yes, no problem. c Sorry, you can't. 3 A: a Could you buy me a map? b Can I have the map now, please? c Can you see the map? B: Sorry, not now. I'm looking at it.

KatyshaMarina KatyshaMarina    2   26.09.2021 03:15    199

nastia6982 nastia6982  22.01.2024 19:23
1. A: Could you bring me the menu?
B: c Yes, of course.

In this dialogue, person A is asking person B to bring them the menu. Person B can respond with option "c" - "Yes, of course.", which means that they are willing to bring the menu.

2. A: Can you lend me some money, please?
B: b Yes, no problem.

In this dialogue, person A is asking person B to lend them some money. Person B can respond with option "b" - "Yes, no problem.", which means that they are willing to lend the money without any issues.

3. A: c Can you see the map?
B: Sorry, not now. I'm looking at it.

In this dialogue, person A is asking person B if they can see the map. Person B can respond with option "c" - "Can you see the map?", however, they are unable to fulfill the request at the moment because they are currently looking at it.

It's important to carefully read the dialogue and options provided to determine the correct answer. The circled correct answers would be c, b, and c for questions 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
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