Colour me red, colour me blue,colour me a rainbow,too! the ducks are brown,the books are green,the pencil case is pink.what colour is the sun today? it's a yellow sun, l think! как читается по ?

Kam09 Kam09    1   04.09.2019 05:00    3

иван1141 иван1141  06.10.2020 16:14

Colour me red,                       ˈkʌlə mi red,

Colour me blue,                   ˈkʌlə mi bluː,

Colour me a rainbow, too!       ˈkʌlə mi ə ˈreɪnbəʊ, tuː!

The ducks are brown,                ðə dʌks ə braʊn,

The books are green,                ðə bʊks ə griːn,

The pencil case is pink.        ðə ˈpensl keɪs ɪz pɪŋk.

What colour is the sun today?    wɒt ˈkʌlə z ðə sʌn təˈdeɪ?

It's a yellow sun, I think!       ɪts ə ˈjɛləʊ sʌn, aɪ θɪŋk!

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