Coaching as a social and pedagogical phenomenon
Being involved into the sport, a person communicates with a coach in many ways — as a teacher, as an athlete, as a psychologist and so on. Having devoted a definite part of his or her life to sports activity, a coach becomes a multifunctional specialist in this field. The knowledge of dealing with future athletes in everyday routine is, of course, a result of hard work and specific talent which a coach should be marked to.

Coaching is fundamentally a didactic and educational activity associated with social and physical development of fitness and health. Hence, the coach operates first in the pedagogical and recreational field and moves the sanitary and functional values as and when higher sports objectives are kept in mind. The society having needs in healthy population, the first task of sporting is striving for health and activity.

Physical education and sports are a basis for health, physical perfection, increased working ability, as well as moral and aesthetic teaching. A general development of sports increases the creative mankind and influences economic and cultural development. Numerous studies have shown that college students who practise sports regularly are also better able to cope with their work; workers in industry, who practise sports, fall ill 3 — 4 times less frequently than others, they are more productive, produce fewer rejects and suffer fewer injuries.

In general, physical education and sport are social values which form an important component of culture. Physical education has a favourable effect on health and so it is one of the most important ways of increasing the efficiency of other activities. But to make its best contribution to the society, a long period of systematic work is needed. In general, an athlete with the best coach achieves the best result, all other conditions being equal.

Sport offers opportunities for purposeful movement, compensating for the insufficiency of the physical activity which decreases as a result of conveniences and facilities of modern life. To become perfect in physical ability and fitness is a virtue desirable for personal and socio-cultural reasons. Sport provides opportunities for satisfying our needs, like need for movement, need for publicity, need for excitement, need for competition, need for security and self-sufficiency as well as need for physical skills. Not all athletes experience all these needs and not all needs can be satisfied without difficulty, but all of them are present, real and powerful.

The striving for self-expression and constant perfection of man, are facilitated by the process of coaching. Talent and ambition alone are not enough for winning a championship. It is necessary to submit oneself absolutely to a planned concept of coaching, which involves not only hard work but also assistance and care by a team of people concerned.

b) Answer the questions.

What is coaching?

Where does a coach operate first?

What is the first task of sport?

What does a general development of sports increase?

What needs can sport satisfy?

c) Translate into Ukrainian.

1) physical activity; social activity; development of fitness and health; healthy population; general development; economic and cultural development; social values; deal with athletes; winning a championship

2) physical education; physical chemistry; physical training; physical examination; physical exercise; physical drill; physical therapy; physical fitness; physical activity; development; develop; developmental; devote a lot of time to studies; be devoted to sports; modern society; sporting society; Ministry of Health; health centre; increase in prices; of no value; social values

d) Complete the sentences.

Being involved into the sport

Having devoted a definite part of

The society having needs in healthy population

In general, an athlete with the best coach achieves

Find information in the text about professional activities and duties of coach

Example. Coaching is an educational activity.

Fill in the gaps in the summary of the text.

This text tells us about It is a ... phenomenon. The author underlines that coaching is a result of hard work and From this text we have known a lot about coaching. The author considers that it is a ... activity associated with Physical education and sports are a basis for... . Sport offers opportunities for satisfying our needs, like This publication is very useful for those who are interested in ... .

Андрей3482 Андрей3482    2   08.04.2020 19:27    284

Mrt2004 Mrt2004  16.01.2024 20:28
Coaching is a social and pedagogical phenomenon that involves a person, typically a coach, working with athletes in various capacities such as a teacher, athlete, and psychologist. A coach becomes a multifunctional specialist in the field of sports through dedicated hard work and specific talent.

A coach operates primarily in the pedagogical and recreational field, focusing on the social and physical development of fitness and health. They also consider higher sports objectives as they work towards enhancing the overall well-being of individuals. The main task of sports is to strive for health and activity, as a healthy population is necessary for society.

Physical education and sports play a vital role in promoting health, physical perfection, increased working ability, as well as moral and aesthetic teaching. Engaging in sports activities has been shown to improve college students' ability to cope with their work, while workers in industries who participate in sports fall ill less frequently, are more productive, produce fewer rejects, and suffer fewer injuries.

Furthermore, physical education and sports form an important component of culture, contributing to the overall development of society. It has a positive impact on health and enhances the efficiency of other activities. Achieving the best results in sports requires an athlete to have the guidance and support of the best coach, in addition to other necessary conditions.

Sport provides purposeful movement and compensates for the lack of physical activity resulting from conveniences and facilities in modern life. Developing physical abilities and fitness is seen as a virtue that benefits individuals personally and socio-culturally. Sport also satisfies various needs such as the need for movement, publicity, excitement, competition, security, self-sufficiency, and physical skills.

Coaching facilitates the striving for self-expression and constant improvement by providing a structured approach to training and development. Talent and ambition alone are insufficient to win championships; athletes must fully dedicate themselves to a planned concept of coaching and receive assistance and care from a team of supportive individuals.

To answer the specific questions:

a) What is coaching?
Coaching is a social and pedagogical phenomenon involving a coach working with athletes, operating in various capacities such as a teacher, athlete, and psychologist.

b) Where does a coach operate first?
A coach operates primarily in the pedagogical and recreational field, focusing on the social and physical development of fitness and health.

c) What is the first task of sport?
The first task of sport is to strive for health and activity in order to meet the needs of the society for a healthy population.

d) What does a general development of sports increase?
A general development of sports increases the creative mindset of society and influences economic and cultural development.

e) What needs can sport satisfy?
Sport can satisfy various needs such as the need for movement, publicity, excitement, competition, security, self-sufficiency, and physical skills.

c) The translated words and phrases into Ukrainian:
1) фізична активність; соціальна активність; розвиток фітнесу та здоров'я; здорове населення; загальний розвиток; економічний та культурний розвиток; соціальні цінності; працювати з атлетами; перемогти в чемпіонаті
2) фізична освіта; фізична хімія; фізичне навчання; фізичне обстеження; фізичні вправи; фізична гімнастика; фізична терапія; фізична підготовка; фізична активність; розвиток; розвивати; розвивальний; віддати багато часу на навчання; присвятитися спорту; сучасне суспільство; спортивне суспільство; Міністерство охорони здоров'я; центр здоров'я; зростання цін; не маєї цінності; соціальні цінності

d) Completing the sentences:

1) Being involved in the sport, a person communicates with a coach in many ways.
2) Having devoted a definite part of his/her life to sports activity, a coach becomes a multifunctional specialist in this field.
3) The society having needs in a healthy population.
4) In general, an athlete with the best coach achieves the best result, all other conditions being equal.
5) Find information in the text about professional activities and duties of coach: Coaching is an educational activity.

e) Fill in the gaps in the summary of the text:

This text tells us about coaching. It is a social and pedagogical phenomenon. The author underlines that coaching is a result of hard work and specific talent. From this text, we have learned a lot about coaching. The author considers it to be a didactic and educational activity associated with the social and physical development of fitness and health. Physical education and sports are a basis for health, physical perfection, increased working ability, as well as moral and aesthetic teaching. Sport offers opportunities for satisfying our needs, like the need for movement, publicity, excitement, competition, security, and self-sufficiency. This publication is very useful for those who are interested in coaching and its impact on society.
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