Classify the following nouns into subgroups assuming that nouns can further be subdivided into N object, N action to N instant action or N process, N agent etc. Abbey, alteration, ace, back, blame, bureau, circus, confession, cream, cut, day, division, dive, docker, fortune, gipsy, giggling, hurry, jump, knocker, laughter, maker, monument, person, process, run, satisfaction, shape, table, writer. b) Divide the above nouns into 1) concrete 2) abstract; c) countable; d) uncountable
Exercise 2. Write collocations for the words “book”, “tree”, “girl” e.g. the bark of a tree, girl’s book
approach, bark, big, boy, branch, cry, culmination, dress, exciting, green, grow, interesting, laugh, leaves, little, long, mischief, naughty, plot, pretty, run, smart, soil, style, sulk, tall, thick, write.