Circle the correct word. you think the average/everyday person is interested in fashion? 2.i wish dad would get a new costume/suit to wear for his job interview. 3.i’ve got red hair, so i never put on/wear red clothes or i’d look silly. 4.john got a really cool blouse/top in town yesterday with eminem on it. 5.india supplies/produces the world with cheap clothes.

АБН2014 АБН2014    3   15.06.2019 16:10    7

ТапОчек448 ТапОчек448  12.07.2020 18:53
1. Do you think the average person is interested in fashion?
2. I wish dad would get a new suit to wear for his job interview.
3. I’ve got red hair, so I never wear red clothes or I’d look silly.
4. John got a really cool blouse in town yesterday with Eminem on it.
5. India supplies the world with cheap clothes.
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