Circle the correct verb. 1)we finished/have finished our work.its time to have a rest now. 2)in the last science lesson student wrote/have written a very difficult test. 3)we did/have done this exercise.give us the next one. 4)i cant eat anymore.a ate/have eaten too much. 5)eight russian sportsmen became/have become world champions lately. 6)i lost /have my key.can you help me to open door? ! надо к понедельнику! в долгу не останусь!

dimanyapr dimanyapr    1   29.05.2019 05:20    4

muxtarova2007 muxtarova2007  27.06.2020 11:49
Circle the correct verb.

1)We HAVE FINISHED our work. Its time to have a rest now.

2)In the last science lesson student WROTE a very difficult test.

3)We HAVE DONE this exercise. Give us the next one.

4)I cant eat anymore. I HAVE EATEN too much.

5)Eight Russian sportsmen HAVE BECOME world champions lately.

6)I HAVE LOST my key. Can you help me to open door?
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