Что я хочу изменить в себе? завтра сдавать 10-12 предложений

kryganavika2006 kryganavika2006    1   24.05.2019 00:50    3

zhuckovanatali1 zhuckovanatali1  19.06.2020 20:49
I dont like myself. First of all I would like to change my appearance, especially my face. no one says I'm beautiful. Also I have to change my view of things in this world because I'm too passive. I want to change my success in school, u just want to have a good mates. I would like to change color of my hair, but my mum insists on keeping blond hair. Also I would like to change my thoughts to better side . I want to be creative and more interesting. at the end , I would like to buy some new clothes for myself to look more elegant.
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