Что я ем на завтрак обед и ужин проэкт на

irulya1 irulya1    3   20.06.2019 05:10    3

didocfofiffi didocfofiffi  02.10.2020 05:56

For breakfast I usually eat sandwiches with cheese or ham and drink tea with lemon. Sometimes I eat boiled eggs or some sausages in the morning but I do not really like them. I like fruit salad and yoghurt but I don't eat them very often.

For lunch I love to eat a lot of things, but most of all I love pasta. Yesterday I ate soup with mushrooms and it was very tasty. I also like fried or mashed potatoes with chicken or fish and some vegetables.

For dinner I can also eat a lot of different things, for example carrots, tomatoes, but more often I eat an apple, or some other fruit for it is useful and very tasty. In the evening I can have tea with milk and some biscuits.

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