Что нужно вставить в эти ячейки ответа я написала под цифрами . They 1 going to catch 2 are catching, 3 catch. the bus to Madrid at 5:30 tomorrow morning.

I think that the play 1 going to start, 2 will start,4 start. at 6:30 pm.

Maybe, we 1 are buying,2 buy,3 will buy. a new villa.

Что нужно вставить в эти ячейки ответа я написала под цифрами . They 1 going to catch 2 are catching

Shermetovelyar552 Shermetovelyar552    3   17.05.2021 11:22    39

kochanovaleksa kochanovaleksa  14.01.2024 19:44
1. They are going to catch
2. the bus to Madrid at 5:30 tomorrow morning.
Explanation: The phrase "They are going to catch" indicates a future action (catching the bus), which is planned or intended to happen. This is the appropriate structure to use when expressing future plans or intentions.

3. I think that the play will start
4. at 6:30 pm.
Explanation: The phrase "I think that the play will start" is indicating a future event (the start of the play) that the speaker believes will happen. When expressing beliefs or predictions about future events, we typically use "will" + base form of the verb.

5. Maybe, we will buy
Explanation: The word "Maybe" suggests a possibility or uncertainty. When expressing such possibilities in the future, we can use "will" + base form of the verb. In this case, "we will buy" indicates a potential action of buying a new villa.

In summary, the correct answers to the questions are:
1. They are going to catch
2. the bus to Madrid at 5:30 tomorrow morning.
3. I think that the play will start
4. at 6:30 pm.
5. Maybe, we will buy a new villa.
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