Christmas is a family holiday. People from Great Britain
8 a) sing a Christmas carol b) pull a cracker c) give money d) give presents to each other at the start of Christmas meal.

After dinner a three-penny or six-penny coin
a) will have been hidden b) is hidden c) has hidden d) hides
inside Christmas pudding and part of the fun is to see who finds it.

The candy in the form of a Christmas staff means 11. a) the first letters of the name of Jesus Christ b) luck c) support and assistance in cases d) longevity


The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after Christmas. It`s the time to visit friends and relatives. Traditionally on this day postmen, errand boys and servants of various kinds 12 . a) are given b) were given c) give d) will give Christmas boxes with presents and/or money.

AntonTimoshin AntonTimoshin    2   19.02.2020 15:51    23

иска4578 иска4578  11.10.2020 09:23

Christmas is a family holiday. People from Great Britain

8 a) sing a Christmas carol at the start of Christmas meal.

After dinner a three-penny or six-penny coin 10. b) is hidden inside Christmas pudding and part of the fun is to see who finds it.

The candy in the form of a Christmas staff means 11. b) luck.


The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after Christmas. It`s the time to visit friends and relatives. Traditionally on this day postmen, errand boys and servants of various kinds 12. a) are given. Christmas boxes with presents and/or money.


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