Chose the righ word and fill in the gaps 1 a similar vehicle which was also never built a) designed b) proposed c) applied 2 newcomen's had a cylinder and a piston and was the first of this kind a) carburetor b) engine c) muffler 3 the first vehicle under its own power for which there is a record was designed by nicholas joseph cugnot a) to move b) to fly c) to navigate 4 the early powered vehicles were so heavy that they were only practical on a perfectly flat syrface 5 many attempts had been made in eangland by the 1830's to develop a practical vehicle that didn't need a) rails b) road c) highway 6 the development of the internal combustion engine had to wait until fuel was internally a) to evaporate b) to combust c) to vaporize 7 cars had been built in america since the civil war a) gas b) steam c) petroleum

гататвтврвга гататвтврвга    1   23.05.2019 17:14    31

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