Choose the sentence which expresses the same idea. 1 If I hadn't texted him, I wouldn't have met him on time. a I didn't text him and I didn't meet him.

b I texted him and I met him. 2 She wouldn't have written the post, if her computer had

broken down.

a Her computer didn't break and she wrote the post. b Her computer broke down and she didn't write the post.

3 If he hadn't learned French, he wouldn't have been able to study in Paris.

a He learned French and he studied in Paris. b He didn't learn French and he didn't study in Paris.

4 If I hadn't had a dictionary with me, I wouldn't have been able to check the word so qiuckly.

a I had a dictionary with me and I checked the word quickly.

b I didn't have a dictionary and I didn't check the word quickly.​

Начинайко Начинайко    2   17.03.2021 12:26    2

565765g 565765g  16.04.2021 12:27

1. b I texted him and I met him

2. a Her computer didn't brake and she wrote the posts

3. a

4. a

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