Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) Jason can’t connect to the Internet because his computer doesn’t have a(n) .

2) John cancelled his monthly to his Internet Service Provider because the connection always failed.

3) I’ve run out of space.

4) If your monitor turns blue and there are some codes in white, try to .

hard disc

Anas11111 Anas11111    2   16.04.2020 13:47    1407

Danielriisna13 Danielriisna13  03.02.2022 21:19
Jason can’t connect to the Internet because his computer doesn’t have a(n) .
John cancelled his monthly to his Internet Service Provider because the connection always failed.
AnastasiaSokolovskay AnastasiaSokolovskay  10.01.2024 12:50
1) Jason can’t connect to the Internet because his computer doesn’t have a(n) server.
Explanation: A server is needed to establish a connection to the internet. Without a server, Jason's computer will not be able to connect to the internet.

2) John cancelled his monthly subscription to his Internet Service Provider because the connection always failed.
Explanation: A monthly subscription is a payment that John makes to his Internet Service Provider in order to have access to the internet. If the connection always fails, it makes sense for John to cancel his subscription.

3) I've run out of space.
Explanation: "Run out of space" means that I don't have any more storage available. It is likely referring to the storage space on a computer or device.

4) If your monitor turns blue and there are some codes in white, try to reboot.
Explanation: When a computer monitor turns blue and displays white codes, it is often an indication of an error or problem. Rebooting the computer can help fix the issue by restarting the system and clearing any temporary glitches.

In summary, the correct words to complete the sentences are:
1) server
2) subscription
3) hard disc
4) reboot
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