Choose the right variant
We think very high/highly of his new book. This word is wide/widely used nowadays. Most/mostly of my friends are my classmates. I have late/lately received a letter from him. Try to say the word right/rightly. Listen! He's singing the tune quite wrong/wrongly. I am afraid, I hard/hardly know him.
Откройте окно настежь. Мы едва знакомы. Какие книги ты прочитал за последнее время? Я понял свою ошибку слишком поздно. Её справедливо наказали. Если я правильно помню, Джейн живет в этом доме. Эта работа высоко оплачивается.
Express the same in a different way. Use can, could, may, might.
1.Robert speaks English without an interpreter. 2.1 am 50% sure that he will come to the party. 3.You are tired. I think I will do the flat myself. 4.Mom, will you let me come back at 11? 5. They say I am good at dancing.
I.Где ключи? Возможно, они в машине. 2. Я заблудился в городе и смог найти нужную улику только к вечеру. 3. Он сказал, что мы можем взять его машину. 4. Зимой в Сибири может быть очень холодно. 5. Джон не смог сходить и булочную, потому что очень поздно вернулся.
Choose the right pronoun
Is/are the money in the bag? No? I put it/them on the table. Your new c!othe\s is/are on the bed. Put it/them on. Are you looking for your watch? It/ they is/are on your wrist. The traffic lights is/are green.
Of all the clocks in the house this/these is /are the oldest. VI Use the right preposition.
1 .Yesterday I came ... an expression I couldn't understand. 2. She came ... with a fever. 3. I was invited to come ... after work. 4. What came... you ? 5. The little girl came ... her bicycle.
VII. Translate use the new words
Выставку стоит посетить. Её свадебный наряд был потрясающий. Он всегда с ней встречается с большой неохотой. Я не смог прикрепить документ к письму. Ёё манеры были натянутые, но она старалась быть вежливой. Мы никогда не крахмалим бельё. Похороны были в церкви. Какой нелепый костюм!
Хранить деньги в банке, брать плату за услуги, сберегательный счет., обналичить чек, снять деньги со счета, пользоваться банкоматом, поменять деньги по курсу, универсальный магазин, ресторанная зона, корзины и тележки для покупок, обувь, ювелирные изделия, сделать покупку, заплатить наличными, предметы сервировки стола., звуковая аппаратура.

Аносип Аносип    1   05.03.2022 13:03    100

vikab4 vikab4  21.12.2023 11:12
1. We think very highly of his new book.
Explanation: "Highly" is an adverb that modifies the verb "think" and indicates the degree to which we think of his new book.

2. This word is widely used nowadays.
Explanation: "Widely" is an adverb that modifies the verb "used" and indicates the extent or range of usage of the word.

3. Most of my friends are my classmates.
Explanation: "Most" is a determiner that modifies the noun "friends" and indicates a large portion or majority of friends.

4. I have recently received a letter from him.
Explanation: "Lately" is an adverb that means in the recent past or recently. It modifies the verb "received" and indicates the timing of the action.

5. Try to say the word correctly.
Explanation: "Rightly" is an adverb meaning correctly or in a proper manner. It modifies the verb "say" and indicates how the word should be said.

6. Listen! He's singing the tune completely wrong.
Explanation: "Wrong" is an adverb modifying the verb "singing" and indicating that he is singing in an incorrect manner.

7. I am afraid, I hardly know him.
Explanation: "Hardly" is an adverb meaning barely or scarcely. It modifies the verb "know" and indicates the limited extent of knowledge about him.


1. Open the window wide.
Explanation: "Wide" is an adjective modifying the noun "window" to describe the extent to which it should be opened.

2. We are hardly acquainted.
Explanation: "Hardly" is an adverb that means barely or scarcely, indicating the limited extent of acquaintance.

3. What books have you read lately?
Explanation: "Lately" is an adverb that means in the recent past or recently, indicating the timing of reading the books.

4. I understood my mistake too late.
Explanation: "Late" is an adverb indicating the timing of understanding the mistake, which was after it was already too late.

5. She was fairly punished.
Explanation: "Fairly" is an adverb indicating that the punishment was done in a just or fair manner.

6. If I remember correctly, Jane lives in this house.
Explanation: "Correctly" is an adverb modifying the verb "remember" and indicating the accuracy or correctness of the memory.

7. This job is highly paid.
Explanation: "Highly" is an adverb that modifies the adjective "paid" and indicates the degree or extent of the payment.

Express the same in a different way. Use can, could, may, might.

1. Robert can speak English without an interpreter.
2. I can say with 50% certainty that he will come to the party.
3. You are tired. I could do the flat myself, I think.
4. Mom, can I come back at 11? Will you allow me?
5. It is said that I am good at dancing.


1. Where are the keys? They may be in the car.
2. I got lost in the city and could find the necessary clue only in the evening.
3. He said that we can take his car.
4. It can be very cold in Siberia in winter.
5. John couldn't go to the bakery because he came back very late.

Choose the right pronoun:

1. Is the money in the bag? No? I put them on the table.
2. Your new clothes are on the bed. Put them on.
3. Are you looking for your watch? It is on your wrist.

4. Of all the clocks in the house, these are the oldest.

Use the right preposition:

1. Yesterday I came across an expression I couldn't understand.
2. She came down with a fever.
3. I was invited to come along after work.
4. What came over you?
5. The little girl came off her bicycle.


1. It's worth visiting the exhibition.
2. Her wedding dress was stunning.
3. He always meets her with great reluctance.
4. I couldn't attach the document to the email.
5. Her manners were strained, but she tried to be polite.
6. We never starch laundry.
7. The funeral took place in the church.
8. What a ridiculous costume!


Storing money in a bank, paying for services, saving account, cash a check, withdraw money from an account, use an ATM, exchange money at the rate, department store, restaurant area, shopping baskets and carts, footwear, jewelry, make a purchase, pay in cash, tableware, sound equipment.
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