Choose the right option. Выбери правильный вариант - 7 points
1. Nick plays football well; …. , but not as well as Nick.
A.his brother plays football
B.plays his brother football
C. plays football his brother
2. Sam took out his album because …. . show us his photos he wanted
B.he wanted to show us his photos
С. his photos he wanted to show us
3. Укажи правильно составленное предложение
A.A lot of people arewaitingforwe.
B. We are for a lot of people waiting.
C. We are waiting for a lot of people.
D. For a lot of people we are waiting.
4. Укажи правильно составленное предложение
A. They go don't to the theater.
B. They don't go to the theater.
C. Don't they go to the theater.
D. They go to the theater don't.
5 .Укажи правильно составленное предложение
A.From Australia John comes.
B.Comes John from Australia.
C. John from Australia comes.
D. John comes from Australia.
6. Выбери предложение с Participle 1
A. A man reads the morning newspaper.
B. I see a man reading a newspaper.
C. The man put the read newspaper on the table.
D. I see a man who usually reads a newspaper.
E. This is the morning paper.
7. Правильная форма Participle 2 от глагола leap …
A. to leap
B. leap
C. leaping
D. leaped
E. leaps