Choose the right item to complete the sentences.
The novel was just great: I read a ... of pages and couldn't put the book down.
a) pair b) two c) couple
Here is your cup of coffee. Would you like anything ...?
a) apart b) except c) besides
It's not easy to predict what is ... us in the future.
a) awaiting b) waiting c) expecting
Travelling by train is not ... so thrilling as travelling by sea.
a) quite b) quiet c) quietly
Could you drop me ... on the corner of the road? Thanks very much.
a) out b) in c) off
Mr Smith looked at us ... but didn't say a word.
a) nervousness b) nervous c) nervously
I like listening to music or reading a magazine while travelling ... train.
a) on b) by c) in
Pirates kept their gold in huge wooden ...
a) suitcases b) rucksacks c) trunks
Is it a ... train or do I have to change?
a) thorough b) through c) threw

Zumman Zumman    1   25.04.2020 18:15    2

NIK202010 NIK202010  13.10.2020 21:14


1)pair2)except 3)awaiting 4)quite 5)off 6)nervously 7)by 8) suitcases 9) thorough


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