Choose the right equivalent of the words do the bed. Подберите правильный эквивалент к словам do the bed. убирать постель
стелить постель
сидеть на кровати
Choose the right equivalent of the word homework. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову homework.
домашнее задание
работа по дому
работа на дому
Choose the right definitions to the term colleague. Подберите правильное определение к термину colleague.
someone who works in the same office as oneself
someone who lives in the same apartment as oneself
someone who studies in the same department as oneself
Choose the right definition to the term housework. Подберите правильное определение к термину housework.
work done in office
studies which must be done at home by students
work done in taking care of a house, esp. cleaning
Choose the right definition to the term homework. Подберите правильное определение к термину homework.
studies which must be done at home by students
work done in taking care of a house, esp. cleaning
work done in office
Choose the right definition to the term play. Подберите правильное определение к термину play.
a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre on television
a new cinema
a first-night performance
Choose the right definition to the term snack. Подберите правильное определение к термину snack.
an amount of food smaller than a meal
at lunchtime
Choose the right definition to the term suburb. Подберите правильный эквивалент к термину suburb.
an outer area of a town or city, where people live
an area in town
a neighborhood
Choose the right definition to the term department. Подберите правильный эквивалент к термину department.
a division at school
important division of college
a class
Choose the right half of the sentence : I have to wind two alarm-clocks to make sure … . Подберите правильное окончание предложения: I have to wind two alarm-clocks to make sure … .
about it
I do not oversleep
I can’t sleep
Choose the right half of the sentence: My studies…
Подберите правильное окончание предложения: My studies ...
keep me busy all day long
keep me at home
besides me
Choose the right half of the sentence: One of my greatest pleasures … .
Подберите правильное окончание предложения: One of my greatest pleasures… .
is to lie in bed and read my favourite books
is to watch TV
is to put my homework off
Choose the right half of the sentence: I also have… .Подберите правильное окончание предложения: I also have… .
lectures and seminars
six hours a week
Choose the right half of the sentence: I live in the suburbs, and every week-day… .
Подберите правильное окончание предложения: I live in the suburbs, and every week-day… .
I commute to work
I stay at home
I go on talking shop
Choose the right half of the sentence: I am a student at… . Подберите правильное окончание предложения: Iamastudentat… .
the Evening Department
the country
Choose the right half of the sentence: My train to town… . Подберите правильное окончание предложения: My train to town… .
leaves at 8.10
commute to work
starts at 8.10

Teroristka123 Teroristka123    1   06.06.2021 15:42    1

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