Choose the proper tense form. consult the grammar support if necessary. she speaks/is speaking five languages. 2. look at that man. he wears/is wearing such a funny hat. 3. don't take that book back to the library. i am reading/ read it. 4. they have/are having two daughters and two sons. 5. do you understand/are you understanding spanish? 6. we think/are thinking opera is boring. 7. be quiet! i am watching/watch my favourite program. 8. we don't enjoy/aren't enjoying this party at all. the music is too loud. but we are enjoying/enjoy going to big parties. 9. alec and mary are scottish. they come/are coming from glasgow. they'll be here very soon. they come/are coming by car. 10. lisa can't answer the phone. she has/is having a bath. 11. every hour the planet earth travels/is travelling 66,620 miles around the sun.

глупыйлолик34 глупыйлолик34    1   11.09.2019 08:10    5

Емина Емина  10.09.2020 01:25
1 Speaks
2 Is wearing
3 Am reading
4 Have
5 Do you understand
6 We think
7 Am watching
8 Aren't enjoying-We enjoy going
9 They come from-Are coming
10 Is having
11 Travels
аджирешка аджирешка  10.09.2020 01:25
1. She speaks. (всегда)
2. He is wearing.(сейчас)
3. I'm reading.(в данный момент)
4. They have.(т.е. постоянно)
5. Do you understand. (т.е. постоянно)
6. We think (глагол "think" не меняют в present continiose)
7. I am watching. (в данный момент)
8. We don't enjoy ("enjoy" — глагол, выражающий эмоции, поэтому в наст.продолжительном не меняют)
9. They come.(Они живут в Глазко (т.е. делают это постоянно)) They are coming by car. (В данный момент)
10. She is having.(действие происходит в данный момент)
11. Travels. (действие происходит постоянно, обще-принятый факт/явление)
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