Choose the correct words to complete the text. Use a dictionary to help you. Then
listen and check your answers.
1 Gulnara, 17
I am a big fan of reality
shows, chat shows and
talent shows. I used to
watch X Factor on Perviy
Kanal, but at the moment
favourite show is
Dance, Kazakhstan! on
Khabar. There are some
very talented people in
Kazakhstan and these
programmes give them an opportunity to show
up / off/ in their skills. Dimash Kudaibergen,
for example, has an amazing voice and has won
several singing competitions, but he only became
internationally famous after coming second in
the Chinese talent show Singer 2017. After that,
his career really took after / back / off and now
he is one of the most popular young singers in
2 Kuanysh, 15
I sometimes turn off /
down/ on the TV to check
the weather forecast or
listen to the news, but I
prefer to watch films on
my computer. My parents
used to buy a lot of DVDs
and I've come facross /
back / in some interesting
old films in their
collection, like Nomad and Ulzhan. My favourite
film is Warriors of the Steppe: Myn Bala. I think I've
watched it more than ten times! It's about a young
warrior called Sartay whose parents were killed by
the Zhongars when he was a little boy. After his
village was destroyed, Sartay grew Sout/up / back
in the mountains together with a small group of
other survivors. With the help of his friends Taimas
and Korlan, he fights to free Kazakhstan from the
3 Dinmukhamed, 16
I've got a TV in my room,
but the only channel lever
watch is KAZsport. My
favourite football team
is Tobol Kostanay and I
watch all their matches.
Sometimes my friends
come from / over / back
and we watch the game
together. There are also
live broadcasts of major international
sporting events, and interesting documentaries
about famous sportspeople. Actually, I didn't use
to like sport until I saw a documentary about boxer
Yermakhan Ibraimov when I was twelve - I wanted
to be strong like him, so I took 'off/ on /up boxing.
I'm not into TV programmes like soap operas
and sitcoms, but I sometimes go to the cinema to
watch the latest films. I love the films of Timur
Bekmambetov, especially Night Watch and Wanted.​

asdfghjkl6tygb asdfghjkl6tygb    2   27.11.2020 11:27    150

kuzmichevaliza kuzmichevaliza  27.12.2020 11:29



Choose the correct words to complete the text. Use a dictionary to help you. Thenlisten and check yo
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