Choose the correct words to complete the
Hi Dina!
How are you? I a this email to you in the
hotel café in Prague - we've? back
from the main square. We here two
days and we have 5. quite a lot. My dad
6. lots of photos and he takes ages so we
always? wait for him. Yesterday we
8..some ice cream in a really cool art café
Prague is a beautiful city!
OK, Mum and Aset are
back - we haven't had
Talk later!
1a am writing
2 a yet
3 a have been
4 a since
5 a already seen
6 a took
7 a should
8 a had
9 a just
b write
b just
b for
b yet seen
b takes usually
b must
b have had
b already
c have written
< already
chave gone
c just
Cseen already
cusually takes
chave to
cwere having
C yet