Choose the correct word.
1 the great barrier reef has many species/
wildlife of colourful fish.
2 it is very difficult to drive/ride a camel.
3 machu picchu is an ancient/old city.
4 islands with beautiful beaches very quickly
become holiday resorts/reefs.
5 altyn emel is a challenging/unique place.
6 at the end of their journey, they enjoyed
spectacular mountain views/sights.
7 you should visit these ancient ruins before
time disappears/destroys them.​

Ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ Ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ    3   22.11.2019 19:55    6

академег228 академег228  10.10.2020 15:08

1) species

2) ride

3) ancient

4) resorts

5) unique

6) views

7) destroys

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