Choose the correct letter, A, B or C, to complete the sentences. 1 You put your shopping in a at the supermarket.
A court
C trolley
2 You can buy cola and lemonade in
A cans
B bars
C bunches
3 Women often keep their money in a
A purse
B wallet
C box
4 Children like to keep their money in something called a
A piggy wallet B piggy bank C pig money box
5 The shop where you can buy all kinds of fruit and vegetables is called a
A greenshopper's B greengrocer's C greenbuyer's
6 The place in a shopping centre where you can go to sit down and eat
is called a
A restaurant centre B eating bar
C food court
7 There are lots of shopping centres around the world now
- most of them look the same!
A out-of-town
B outside-the-town Couter-town