Choose the correct item. 1) i have never been to … tate gallery. a) a b) the c) — d) any 2) it was … lovely holiday. a) the b) — c) a d) some 3) we’ll be … the kitchen. a) at b) for c) on d) in 4) jane is two years … than jack. a) older b) elder c) — d) the oldest 5) … you get out in the rain, you’ll catch cold. a) when b) if c) and d) but 6) i will go home as soon as the lessons … over. a) be b) will be c) are d) were

16вопрос 16вопрос    1   10.09.2019 00:40    5

Sergant17 Sergant17  07.10.2020 04:16
1. a)
2. c)
3. d)
4. a)
5. b)
6. c)
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