Choose the appropriate prepositions: before, into, of, with: 1. He is being kept... custody.
2. He was sentenced ... five years.
3. She got a sentence ... six months.
4. He was accused ... murder.
5. She has been charged ... theft.
6. He appeared ... court ... handcuffs.
7. They were brought ... the judge.
8. The judge reached a verdict ... guilty.​

12VikaSmirnova34 12VikaSmirnova34    2   20.01.2021 14:20    125

Марина17681 Марина17681  12.01.2024 23:45
1. He is being kept IN custody.
- In this sentence, the preposition "in" is used to indicate the location or state of being kept in custody.

2. He was sentenced TO five years.
- The preposition "to" is used to indicate the duration or time period for which he was sentenced.

3. She got a sentence OF six months.
- The preposition "of" is used to indicate the duration or time period of the sentence.

4. He was accused OF murder.
- The preposition "of" is used to indicate the offense or crime with which he was accused.

5. She has been charged WITH theft.
- The preposition "with" is used to indicate the offense or crime with which she has been charged.

6. He appeared IN court WITH handcuffs.
- The preposition "in" is used to indicate the location or place where he appeared (court) and "with" is used to indicate the object (handcuffs) that he had with him.

7. They were brought BEFORE the judge.
- The preposition "before" is used to indicate the time or event that comes prior to or in front of the judge.

8. The judge reached a verdict OF guilty.
- The preposition "of" is used to indicate the decision or outcome (guilty) that the judge reached.
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