Choose suitable prepositions (at, by, from, in, for, with, around, off, through, to) where necessary. 1.matilda borrowed several books the library. 2. he knew her well enough to see her behaviour 3..have you read any ivan turgenev? 4. will you see daughter while i ’m away? 5.what’s the matter her? translate these sentences into english. этот фильм оставил глубокое впечатление. фильм «матильда» пользуется успехом у молодой аудитории. аудитория аплодировала актерам громко.

юра13t4 юра13t4    1   20.09.2019 06:40    70

alenashafeeva alenashafeeva  08.10.2020 04:03
1) to
2) - 
4) -5) with 
This film left a deep impression 
"Matilda" is successfull among a  young audience 
The audience applauded the actors very loudly. 
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