Choose Future Simple, Future Continuous, be going to or Present


1. She ………. some shopping at this time on Sunday. (to do)

2. I ………. you up tomorrow. (to ring)

3. We ………. to Kyiv in the evening. (to fly)

4. He ……….be a lawyer. (to be going to)

5. The boy ………. seven next year. (to be)

6. He ………. for you. (to wait)

7. They ………buy a new car. (to be going to)

8. It’s Julia’s birthday today. She’s bought much food. She ………. cook a lot.

( to be going to)

9. My bags are terribly heavy today.

- Really? I ………. you a lift. (to give)

10. Why have you brought your guitar? … ….. at the party? (to sing)

electreheart electreheart    3   07.05.2020 07:45    2

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