chip, speed, figure out, calculating, reduces, microminiturization,
analog, logarithm, abacus, machine, vacuum tubes,
tiny, dependable, devised
1. The very first device used was 10 fingers of a man’s hand.
2. Then, the was invented.
3. J. Napier a mechanical way of multiplying and dividing.
4. Henry Briggs used J.Napier’s ideas to produce .
5. The first real calculating appeared in 1820.
6. This type of machine the possibility of making mistakes.
7. In 1930 the first computer was built.
8. This was the first machine that could mathematical problems at a very fast speed.
9. In 1946 was built the first digital computer using parts called .
10. The reason for this extra was the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
11. The second generation computers were smaller, faster and more than first-generation computers.
12. The third-generation computers are controlled by integrated circuits.
13. This is due to , which means that the circuits are much smaller than before.
14. A is a square or rectangular piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to 1/4 inch.

ЕгороваАйсена ЕгороваАйсена    1   06.11.2020 12:11    18

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