China forests habitat kill world

[id1181979|*Where] do tigers live?

In the of Asia, from India to

*How many wild tigers are there?

Their is disappearing. People them.

Ex-3. Read the Look out! box. Underline one example of so and because in the advert in the text.


Reason and result.

We use because to talk about reasons.
I like dogs because they are friendly

We use so to talk about results
There’s zoo isn’t open so we’re going home

Ex-4 Complete the sentences with because or so

We stayed at home yesterdayit was very hot.
Maya is ill she isn’t at school today.
Gorilla’s are in danger hunters kill them.
I hate zoosthe animals look unhappy.
My phone was very old I bought a new one.
She was sad she didn’t pass her exams.

LenaED LenaED    2   16.10.2020 15:47    1

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