Чем известны кенгуру в австралии несколько предложений о кенгуру.в антарктика знаменита пингвинами пару предложений о пингвинах в антарктике. сша знаменита небоскребами пару предлож о небоскребах. россия знаменита церквями пару предлож о российских церквях. все на . надо. заранее огромное)нужно сегодня же в23.00 должно быть готово

nigar26 nigar26    2   17.03.2019 01:20    0

ksusha6060606 ksusha6060606  25.05.2020 17:46

The word "kangaroo" comes from «kanguroo» or «gangurru» - the name of the animal on-Kuuk yimitirskom Australian Aboriginal language (language nyungskoy Pama-family), heard from the natives James Cook during his landing on the north east coast of Australia in 1770 .
Widespread myth, according to which James Cook arrived in Australia, he turned to one of the natives to the issue of the name he had seen the animal, but he did not understand the speech Cook replied in his own language: "I do not understand." As the myth that phrase, which supposedly sounds like "kangaroo", Cook, and took the name of the animal. Groundlessness of this myth is confirmed by modern linguistic research.