Change the italicized noun into a verb and the italicized adjective into an adverb. Example: His answer was very quick.- He answered very quickly.

1. They gave a beautiful performance. 2. She gave me a formal answer. 3. His was a heroic action. 4. He gave an accurate description of the incident. 5. We heard their happy laugh in the room. 6. The actors got a warm greeting from the audience.

mamatatobaba10 mamatatobaba10    1   21.10.2020 19:03    145

spudimun50 spudimun50  23.01.2024 07:18
1. They performed beautifully.
To change the noun "performance" into a verb, we can use the past tense form "performed." To change the adjective "beautiful" into an adverb, we add the suffix "-ly" to get "beautifully." The sentence then becomes "They performed beautifully."

2. She answered me formally.
To change the noun "answer" into a verb, we can use the base form "answer." To change the adjective "formal" into an adverb, we add the suffix "-ly" to get "formally." The sentence then becomes "She answered me formally."

3. His action was heroically.
To change the noun "action" into a verb, we can use the base form "act." To change the adjective "heroic" into an adverb, we add the suffix "-ally" to get "heroically." The past tense form "was" remains the same. The sentence then becomes "His action was heroically."

4. He accurately described the incident.
To change the noun "description" into a verb, we can use the base form "describe." To change the adjective "accurate" into an adverb, we simply add the suffix "-ly" to get "accurately." The sentence then becomes "He accurately described the incident."

5. We heard their laughter happily in the room.
To change the noun "laugh" into a verb, we can use the base form "laugh." To change the adjective "happy" into an adverb, we add the suffix "-ly" to get "happily." We also need to change the noun "laugh" into its plural form "laughter" to fit the sentence structure. The sentence then becomes "We heard their laughter happily in the room."

6. The actors were warmly greeted by the audience.
To change the noun "greeting" into a verb, we can use the base form "greet." To change the adjective "warm" into an adverb, we add the suffix "-ly" to get "warmly." The sentence then becomes "The actors were warmly greeted by the audience."
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