Change the "italicised" words into their synonyms from the active vocabulary. To "come" to a station; a long "journey" of a train; "to assemble" trains; a "freight" train; to "inform" the driver of a danger in time; "to operate" a railway; "to leave" a station on time; "to direct" trains through intermediate stations; "to provide for safety"; "classification" yard; "to make up" a schedule; in case of "an extra-ordinary situation"; "to be listed" in the timetable; "to make" train operation "easier; qualified" railway "specialists"; cars with the same "direction"; "so that" "not to be late"; "to consider" all the factors; "local" trains; "to transfer" all the data to the control centre; "to be operated" from the "distant" terminal; "to lessen" the risk of emergency; "to turn on" the light; the "tools" which "allow" to dispense with manual labour; "to regulate" all the switches along the route.

max697 max697    1   05.01.2021 11:35    6

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