Change the form of the words using affixation (suffixes, prefixes) Example: Humanity should care about the environment (environ).
1. ’Is there a chance to not get an (inject), doctor?’ he asked (hope).
2. Getting a higher education diploma is often a good ___(invest) for the future.
3. COVID-19 pandemic will not be overcome unless 70 percent of the population has undergone
___(vaccine) and developed herd ___(immune).
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myza05 myza05    1   07.12.2021 09:26    45

VikaNika16 VikaNika16  30.12.2023 23:38
1. 'Is there a chance to not get an injection, doctor?' he asked hopefully.
- Affixation: The prefix "in-" is added to the base word "ject" to form the word "injection." The suffix "-ly" is added to the base word "hope" to form the word "hopefully."

2. Getting a higher education diploma is often a good investment for the future.
- Affixation: The suffix "-ment" is added to the base word "invest" to form the word "investment."

3. COVID-19 pandemic will not be overcome unless 70 percent of the population has undergone vaccination and developed herd immunity.
- Affixation: The suffix "-tion" is added to the base word "vaccine" to form the word "vaccination." The suffix "-ed" is added to the base word "undergo" to form the word "undergone." The suffix "-ity" is added to the base word "herd" to form the word "herd immunity."

Please note that the answers are provided in an organized and legible manner, as requested.
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