Change the following active sentences into Passive or Causative 1. The company has sent him to California. 2. They grow all sorts of vegetables in this area. 3. I wrote the report.4. We expect that prices will rise again this month. * Ваша відповідь 5. I printed the photo. * Ваша відповідь Відповідь на це запитання обов'язова 6. I had repaired the roof before it rained.7. He can cut out the picture 8. John is collecting money. 9. They have just repaired my fridge. 10. We do not clean our rooms. 1. He is not going to check his teeth 12. Could you feed the dog?

ALENAFOKS ALENAFOKS    1   01.11.2020 14:59    173

SawBilly SawBilly  21.12.2023 13:49
1. He has been sent to California by the company.
Explanation: The active sentence "The company has sent him to California" is changed to passive by putting the object ("him") as the subject and using the past participle form of the verb ("sent"). "By the company" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

2. All sorts of vegetables are grown in this area by them.
Explanation: The active sentence "They grow all sorts of vegetables in this area" is changed to passive by putting the object ("all sorts of vegetables") as the subject and using the past participle form of the verb ("grown"). "By them" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

3. The report was written by me.
Explanation: The active sentence "I wrote the report" is changed to passive by putting the object ("the report") as the subject and using the past participle form of the verb ("written"). "By me" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

4. It is expected that prices will rise again this month.
Explanation: The active sentence "We expect that prices will rise again this month" is changed to passive by putting the subject ("prices") as the subject and using the verb "is expected." The phrase "that prices will rise again this month" remains unchanged.

5. The photo was printed by me.
Explanation: The active sentence "I printed the photo" is changed to passive by putting the object ("the photo") as the subject and using the past participle form of the verb ("printed"). "By me" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

6. The roof had been repaired by me before it rained.
Explanation: The active sentence "I had repaired the roof before it rained" is changed to passive by putting the object ("the roof") as the subject and using the past participle form of the verb ("repaired"). "By me" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

7. The picture can be cut out by him.
Explanation: The active sentence "He can cut out the picture" is changed to passive by putting the object ("the picture") as the subject and using the past participle form of the verb ("cut out"). "By him" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

8. Money is being collected by John.
Explanation: The active sentence "John is collecting money" is changed to passive by putting the subject ("money") as the subject and using the verb "is being collected." "By John" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

9. My fridge has just been repaired by them.
Explanation: The active sentence "They have just repaired my fridge" is changed to passive by putting the object ("my fridge") as the subject and using the past participle form of the verb ("repaired"). "By them" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

10. Our rooms are not cleaned by us.
Explanation: The active sentence "We do not clean our rooms" is changed to passive by putting the subject ("our rooms") as the subject and using the verb "are not cleaned." "By us" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

11. His teeth are not going to be checked by him.
Explanation: The active sentence "He is not going to check his teeth" is changed to passive by putting the subject ("his teeth") as the subject and using the verb "are not going to be checked." "By him" is added to indicate the doer of the action.

12. Could the dog be fed by you?
Explanation: The active sentence "Could you feed the dog?" is changed to passive by putting the subject ("the dog") as the subject and using the verb "be fed." "By you" is added to indicate the doer of the action.
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