Cele 3 53 of Сенная лихорадка, сердечный приступ, боль в спине, зубная боль, простуда, рак. 2. Report these sentences: 1. Granny said: "There are seven nice cups on the table." 2. The boy told Sally: "I can help you to get your ball". 3. Mary said: "He has lived in Atlanta for ten years." 4. "They will go to a language school in London next week."- said my mother. 3 First or second Conditional? notwon 1. If Tom moves too slowly he ... (not win) the game. (Econ TOM ÁYAet AsuraTbca COWWIKOM медленно, он не победит в игре.) woved 2. If lost my job 1. (move) to a big city. (Если бы я потеряла работу, я бы переехала в большой город.) behave 3. She would invite Polly if she ... (behave) herself. (OHa 6bi npurnacuna lonnu, ecnn bl она вела себя хорошо.) 4. Must have to /mustn't/ don't have to / doesn't have to? 1. We are going to drive for six hours. We get something to eat! 2 I watch television all the time. I stop. 3. You get up early on holidays. 4. This window is broken. You open it. 5. Mr Brown is a very rich man. He work. 6. It's his sister's birthday tomorrow. He buy her a birthday present! 5. Ask tag questions to these sentences 1. Bob can't swim, ...? can he 2. Addy swims in the sea every weekend, ... ? 3. Tim was from Boston, ... ? 4. My son mustn't watch TV, ... ? 5. His puppy doesn't play with a ball, ...?

varsockaya varsockaya    2   20.10.2021 14:26    27

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