Can, may or must

1) okay, everebody. you leave now.
2) you always follow the rules.
3) tell him he wear a safery helmet when going for a ride.
4) you
leave the door open, it's hot in here.
5) check the weather before the hike - heavy rain make the road dangerous.
6) when it gets dark, you switch on the light.
7) we use your car while ypu're on holiday?
8) you put up your hand when you want to speak.
9) we wait until the traffuc light turn green.
10) you go on your own, but you be back before it gets dark.
11) i close the window? it's too cold here.
12) i come right now. i'm not busy.
13) you do your homework before you go out in the evening.
14) you keep your eye on my rucksack? i need to go to the toilet.

Aminabr Aminabr    2   19.01.2020 16:34    2

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