Campare the animals. Use the words: useful,clever, big, strong, beautiful, funny. (Сравни животных, используя слова: полезный, умный, большой, сильный, красивый смешной. )Ex: An elephant is bigger than a lion. Животные: Заяц, обезьяна, попугай, слон, сабака, лев.

Killkor3000 Killkor3000    1   17.10.2020 07:10    19

iavonova15 iavonova15  16.11.2020 07:12

1. The hare is smarter than the wolf.

2. The monkey is the funniest.

3. A parrot is more beautiful than a monkey.

4. Elephant An elephant is bigger than a lion.

5. The dog is the smartest.

6. The lion is the strongest.

7. A cow is more useful than a hare.

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