But the grasshopper didn't like the idea. he liked to play, to dance and to sing.soon winter came. there was a lot of snow.the grasshopper had no food. he was very hungry. so, he went to the ant and asked him for food. i worked all summer to collect my food, said the ant. what did you do.? i did a lot of things, answered the grasshopper. i danced,i played , i listened to music. well,if you dance and play in summer and if you do not work, you have no food in winter, answered the ant
уэл, еф ю данс энд плей ин ˈсамэр энд иф ю ду нот уёк, ю хэв ноу фуд ин ˈуинтэ, ˈансэд зи энт.