Буду вам очень благодарен за

1. Подберите к указанным порядковым числительным подходящую пару. (цифра-буква) например: 1-а

1. the 30th a) the forty-ninth
2. the 2nd b) the sixty-eighth
3. the 17th c) the thirtieth
4. the 81st d) the fifth
5. the 5th e) the second
6. the 23rd f) the eighty-first
7. the 49th g) the seventy-fourth
8. the 116th h) the twenty-third
9. the 74th i) the seventeenth
10. the 68th j) the one hundred and sixteenth

2. Зачеркни лишнее слово
Fourth, second, first, ten.
Third, think, thirteenth, thirtieth.
Five, fifth, fifteenth, fiftieth.
3. Образуй порядковые числительные, например six-sixth
1. three –
2. ten –
3. fifteen –
4. nineteen –
5. two –
6. twenty-
7. thirty one-
8. four-
9. fifty three –
10. five -

GrinnySmith GrinnySmith    1   18.11.2020 17:27    4

amelkumjan amelkumjan  18.12.2020 17:27


tenthinkfive firstfourthfifty thirdfifth
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