буду премного благодарен
1. All the members … their places, the conference began.
o having taken
o having taking
o have taken
2. The party … over, he got a taxi and headed home.
o having over
o having been over
o have been over
3. The letter … he went to post it.
o having been finished
o having been finishing
o having finished
4. The season … all the tourists went away.
o been over
o having being over
o being over
5. There … no reason to stay, John left the party.
o being
o have been
o having
6. It … too dark, they stopped searching for traces.
o had been
o been
o being
7. There … too much snow, they delayed all the flights.
o having being
o being
o have been
8. The Australian team won the game, the Chinese one … from competition.
o having retiring
o being retiring
o retiring
9. The car couldn’t stop at the crossroad, it’s brake system … .
o having failed
o being failed
o been failed
10. The weather … fine, we’ll go to the beach.
o having been
o been
o being

Бубух Бубух    1   21.04.2020 06:12    778

ladaponomareva ladaponomareva  16.01.2021 17:43
1. o having taking
2. o have been over
3. o having been finished
4. o being over
5. o having
6. o been
7. o have been
8. o having retiring
9. o been failed
10.o having been
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