, буду очень благодарен очень I. Text work

1) Learn the following word combinations, using a dictionary.

commercial world marketing research
to be applied to pricing
marketing mix distribution
sewing machine demonstration after-sales services
have to do with to be confused with
short-term scheme point-of-sale
direct marketing increase sales
credible suspicion agreement(dis)
to keep the government in power to concentrate on
spiritual topic factual
free of self-praise to be accused of taking drugs
sales promotion

2) Read and translate the text:

Public Relations, Marketing, Sales Promotion, Publicity, Propaganda and Advertising
In the commercial world Public Relations and advertising will be associated with marketing. Public Relations can be applied to every part of the marketing mix. The marketing mix consists of every element in the marketing strategy- for example, naming, packaging, market research, pricing, selling and distribution. All of these have to do with communications.
Public Relations and Sales Promotion. Public relations is some-times confused with sales promotion. Sales promotion is a more personal form of marketing communication than traditional media advertising. Sales promotion consists of “below-the-line” (or BTL-other than with use of media) techniques. Sales promotion consists of short-term schemes. It is usually used at the point-of-sale but also in direct marketing or to increase sales. For example, sewing machine demonstrations in stores, etc. Sales promotion is often used as an alternative to product advertising. Propaganda and Public Relations.
Propaganda is another form of communication which is often confused with Public Relations. The two could not be more different, because to be successful Public Relations must be credible and propaganda can result in suspicion and dis-agreement. The problem is sometimes to find the difference between the propaganda and Public Relations elements in information distributed by government. Propaganda is used to keep the government in power but Public Relations is well understood.
Propaganda concentrates on matters of the heart and mind. There are emotional, intellectual or spiritual topics such as politics or religion. Propaganda may be used for good or bad purposes. Propaganda, like advertising promotes its client or a product. Good Public Relations , on the other hand, should be factual and free of self-praise. A news release which will be otherwise rejected by editors.
Publicity and Public Relations. Publicity is a result of press attention and that is why it may be uncontrollable. This could be good or bad for the person. Some personalities receive both good and bad publicity. A pop star may receive good publicity from a concert or song, but bad publicity if accused of taking drugs. However, the word is used loosely and especially in USA is confused with PR.(«English for Public Relations in Higer Education Studies»., Marie McLisky.,)

3) Answer the following questions:
1) What is commercial point of PR and advertising?
2) What is the structure of the marketing?
3) What is said about sales promotion?
4) Where is sales promotion used?
5) What alternatives of sales promotion can be used?
6) What is the difference between the sales promotion and propaganda? And how does the government regulate them?
7) What makes PR successful?
8) What is publicity? What kinds of publicity are mentioned in the text?

4) Complete the sentences with the nouns to make collocations:

diplomacy elections endorsement fervor
headache identity measures mix
policies stability statement support

1) I find it very difficult to make up my mind about the euro. It’s such a complex of political and economic arguments.
2) Only the United Nations brings peace and long-term to the region.
3) The Scots and Welsh have a strong sense of national and hate it when they are mistakenly referred to as “English”.
4) Opinion polls show overwhelming public for the government’s actions, so they are unlikely to change policy now.
5) It’s always a danger when a leader stirs the people up into a patriotic .
6) The Prime Minister’s statement didn’t meet with the approval of his own party, but it received the personal of the US President.
7) The wave of strikers has caused the government a serious po-litical .
8) Virtually all the attempts to persuade teenagers not to take drugs have proved unrealistic. We need some workable to tackle the problem.
9) The government resorted to desperate to avert an economic crisis.
10) The minister made an emotional public in an attempt to end media speculation about her family life.
11) After twelve years of totalitarian rule, the president unexpectedly called multi-party .
12) The border dispute can only be resolved by discussion and negotiation, not by gunboat .

Вика2003033 Вика2003033    3   05.03.2021 10:25    35

смайлкот2 смайлкот2  05.03.2021 10:30

In my opinion, ghosts exist and spirits of dead try to transmit messages. Nowadays there are a lot of films and programs which propagandize the existence of supernatural, the majority of such films are created on real events, and real people with extraordinary abilities take part in such programs. Watching what is happening on the screen one feels tingles down the spine, it is difficult to be detached and not to believe in going-on

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