Буду 50 #8 complete the questions. then write answers. 1 they in year 7? yes, you 11 years old? a ruler? you and mary in the same class? mark?

zenkov2000cemen zenkov2000cemen    2   28.09.2019 09:40    1

artslk artslk  09.10.2020 00:23

1. Are/they are

2. Are/I am

3. Is/is

4. Are/we are not

5. Is/he is not

Владислав15351 Владислав15351  09.10.2020 00:23

1. Are they in year 7? Yes, they are.

2. Are you 11 years old? No, I'm not.

3. Is it a ruler? Yes, it is.

4. Are you and Mary in the same class? No, we aren't.

5. Is he Mark? No, he isn't.

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