Будьласка перекладіть на іский 1 я гуляв зі собакою 2 їздив з друзями гуляти на озеро 3 ходив з дідусем на гриби 4 їдив до лісу з друзями 5 ходив пекти шашлик 6 справляв день народження 7 їздив з футболу в прикарпаття 8 їздив на ночовку в ліс 9 ходив ловити риу 10 їздив провідувати дідуся і бабусю.

heeezing heeezing    2   01.08.2019 15:20    0

Саша5601 Саша5601  03.10.2020 19:49
I walked with the dog
I went walking to the lake with my friends.
I went to pick mushrooms with my grandad
I went to the forest with my friends
I went to make barbeque
I celebrated my birthday
I went to a football match to Prykarpattya
I went to sleep in the forest.
I went fishing
I visited my grandad and my granny
nastja2011i nastja2011i  03.10.2020 19:49
I was walking with a dog
I went with friends to walk to the lake
I went with my grandfather for the mushrooms
Went Into the woods with friends
Went bake barbecue
Birthday celebrated
Went cup in Carpathians
I went to the woods overnight
I went to fish
I went to visit grandparents
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