без переводчика перевести лето я провел у дедушки с бабушкой. Их коттедж находится недалеко от маленького, тихого и красивого городка Мышкин на Волге. В доме шесть комнат: три внизу и три наверху. У дедушки есть даже свой кабинет, где много-много книг и компьютер. Самое интересное место в доме - чердак. Там много вещей, которые напоминают о моем детстве. Ближайшие соседи очень общительные и заботливые люди, они дедушке с бабушкой, когда нас нет. В детстве я обычно проводил здесь каждое лето, поэому у меня много друзей. Недалеко от дома - огромное футбольное поле, и летом мы часто играли в футбол. Мы, конечно ходили в поход, разбивали палтки и спали в спальных мешках. Было здорово! Но я не только радовался жизни, мне приходилось выполнять домашние обязанности: я пылесосил весь дом. Мои друзья предложили отремонтировать мою комнату. Мы использовали шланг от пылесоса, чтобы побелить ее. Прекрасное лето! 2.-Аня, мне надо поговорить с тобой -О, что опять не так? -Посмотри, в каком беспорядке кухня. Неужели ты не можешь убрать за собой? -Я занята, я работаю на компьютере. -Не забывай, у тебя тоже есть дмашние обязанности. Я работаю с утра до вечера, делаю покупки, готовлю обед. -Ты права, мама. Через пять минут я посуду уберусь. -Замечательно

Den4ikBLeT Den4ikBLeT    1   21.05.2020 13:46    1

Аранида Аранида  21.05.2020 14:30

1. Last summer I spent with my grandparents. Their cottage is located near the small, quiet and beautiful town of Myshkin on the Volga. The house has six rooms: three downstairs and three upstairs. Grandfather even has his own office, where there are many, many books and a computer. The most interesting place in the house is the attic. There are many things that remind of my childhood. The nearest neighbors are very sociable and caring people, they help grandparents when we are not. As a child, I usually spent every summer here, so I have many friends. Near the house there is a huge football field, and last summer we often played soccer. Of course, we went camping, smashed our sticks and slept in sleeping bags. It was great! But not only did I enjoy life, I had to fulfill household chores: I vacuumed the whole house. My friends offered to help repair my room. We used a hose from a vacuum cleaner to whiten it. Beautiful summer! 2.-Anya, I need to talk to you -Oh, what's wrong again? -Look at the mess in the kitchen. Can't you clean up after yourself? -I'm busy, I work on a computer. -Don't forget, you also have crazy duties. I work from morning till night, I shop, cook dinner. - You're right, mom. Five minutes later, I will wash the dishes. -Great! thank

Объяснение:я пипец как мучился

EgorWater EgorWater  21.05.2020 14:30


last summer I spent with my grandparents.  Their cottage is located near the small, quiet and beautiful town of Myshkin on the Volga.  The house has six rooms: three downstairs and three upstairs.  Grandfather even has his own office, where there are many, many books and a computer.  The most interesting place in the house is the attic.  There are many things that remind of my childhood.  The closest neighbors are very sociable and caring people, they help grandparents when we are not.  As a child, I usually spent every summer here, so I have many friends.  Near the house there is a huge football field, and last summer we often played soccer.  Of course, we went camping, smashed our sticks and slept in sleeping bags.  It was great!  But not only did I enjoy life, I had to fulfill household chores: I vacuumed the whole house.  My friends offered to help repair my room.  We used a hose from a vacuum cleaner to whiten it.  Beautiful summer!  2.-Anya, I need to talk to you -Oh, what's wrong again?  -Look at the mess in the kitchen.  Can't you clean up after yourself?  -I'm busy, I work on a computer.  -Don't forget, you also have crazy duties.  I work from morning till night, I shop, cook dinner.  - You're right, mom.  Five minutes later, I will wash the dishes.  -Great!  Thank you!

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