Be) twenty-six years old. be) tall and thin, have) blonde hair and green eyes. work) as a waitress in a resraurant but she want) to become a teacher of french in england. study) hard every day. be married) to tom. be) a twenty-eight years old lawyer with a passion for travelling abroad. together have) two children, twins-maya and ben and a cat and dog. live) in iasi, romania. have) a small house with two bedrooms, one living-room, two bathrooms, one kitchen and a garage. ) to move to england next year. tom received a better job there. in a day life, get up) at half past six in the morning. stretch), go) to the bathroom, wash) her brush) her teeth do) her hair. then, get dressed) for work. like) to wear pretty clothes. she wear) a blue or pink dress, a white blouse with jeans or white shirts with black pants. meanwhile, wake-up) the twins and help) them to get ready for school. after finish), go) into the kitchen ) breakfast. sometimes, when make) them sandwiches with cheese, cold meat-salami, ham, salad, cucumber, tomatoes and she leave) them something sweet on the table like a cookie or a piece of homemade cake. they all_(to eat) together and then go) their way to school or to work. around four o'clock, arrive) home. the play) around, while do) the laundry vacuum) around the, house, while prepare) a delicious dinner for all four of them.

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Bredyatish Bredyatish    1   21.01.2020 22:04    22

Вквквквквк Вквквквквк  11.10.2020 02:19

was, was, had, worked, wanted, studied, was married, was, had, lived, had, planed, got up (тут не уверен), stretched, went, washed, brushed, did, got dressed, liked, wore, woke up, helped, finished, went, prepared, made, left, ate, went, arrived, played, cleaned, did, vacuumed, prepared.

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